Der Einsatz von KI-Tools für die Erstellung von Arbeitsaufträgen und Musterlösungen ist unbestreitbar sehr hilfreich. Meistens braucht es jedoch eine wiederholte Überarbeitung der prompts und weitere Ausarbeitung durch die Lehrkraft, um das initiale Ergebnis für den Unterricht didaktisch aufzubereiten. Im Folgenden finden Sie Impulse für initiale Prompts und am Beispiel der Kreativaufgabe eine exemplarische mehrstufige Nutzung diverser KI-Tools.
Best-Practice-Beispiel: 11. Klasse Englisch: Aufbereitung eines Onlineartikels für die Leistungserhebung, Einsatz von KI-Tools für die Erstellung von Textverständnis-, Textanalyse und Kreativaufgaben
Prompt 1:
Generate two questions on the text and write model solutions. Here is the Article: [copy & paste article]
Hier das Ergebnis des Prompts 1 mit dem Tool [Chat GPT].
Hier das Ergebnis des Prompts 1 mit dem Tool [Deepseek]:
Question 1: According to the article, why does Gen Z use T-shirts with ironic or humorous slogans (e.g., “No problemo”) for social activism? Explain how this strategy challenges traditional forms of protest.
Question 2: The article suggests Gen Z’s slogan T-shirts act as “coded communication.” How do these shirts both unite and divide audiences? Use examples from the text to support your answer.

Alternativer Tooltip: [Chat Pdf]
Laden Sie einfach das Pdf hoch und das KI-Tool entwirft Ihnen Fragen zum Text und Modellantworten.

- Write a short story about a young person who is struggling with the pressures of their generation, but finds solace in wearing slogan tees.
- Imagine you are a fashion designer who wants to create a new slogan tee for Gen Z. What message would your tee convey, and what design elements would you use to communicate that message?
- Write a letter to a fashion magazine explaining why you love slogan tees and what they mean to you.
Hier das Ergebnis des Prompts 2 mit dem Tool [Deepseek]:
Creative Writing Task 1: Protest Through Fashion
Write a short story (200 words) about a teenager who creates a T-shirt slogan to support a cause like climate justice or gender equality. Include:*
- The slogan and design* (e.g., bold text, symbols, colors).
- How the character uses the T-shirt to start a movement.
- Reactions from friends, family, or strangers.
Creative Writing Task 2: The T-Shirt That Changed a Community
Imagine you discover an old T-shirt with the slogan *“Books Not Bullets.” Write a 200-word diary entry from someone who wore it during a protest for education rights. Describe:**
- Why the slogan mattered to them.
- A key moment the shirt inspired courage.
- What happened to the movement afterward.
Creative Writing Task 3: Debate a Slogan
Create a dialogue (200 words) between two activists arguing about a T-shirt slogan for a protest. One wants *“Silence = Violence”; the other prefers “Listen, Then Act.” Show their debate and how they find a compromise.
Toll daran – beide KI-Allrounder-Tools liefern Ihnen sogar Beispiellösungen. Die von Chat GPT generierten Beispiellösungen der oben genannten Kreativaufgaben können sich sehen lassen und können von der Lehrkraft im Handumdrehen adaptiert werden.
Aufgabe 2 / Model solution: Fashion designer
As a fashion designer creating a new slogan T-shirt for Gen Z, I would choose the message „save the planet“ with an image of a globe surrounded by a heart. The design would be simple and minimalist, with the focus on the message. I believe this messagewould resonate with Gen Z because they are a generation that isvery concerned about climate change and environmental issues. They are also very socially conscious and want to make a positive impact on the world. By wearing this T-shirt, they can show theirsupport for the environment and inspire others to take action aswell. The heart symbolizes their love and compassion for theplanet, and the globe represents the global nature of the issue. I believe this T-shirt would be popular among Gen Z because it is a way for them to express their values and make a statement aboutwhat they believe in.
Aufgabe 3 / Model solution: Letter to the editor
Dear Editor,
I wanted to share my love for slogan tees and what they mean to me. As a young person living in a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming and negative, I believe that slogan tees are a way to spread messages of positivity and hope.
My favourite slogan tee says „Choose Kindness.“ Whenever I wear it, I feel like I’m sending a message to the world that we can all do better by being kinder to one another. It’s a simple message, but one that I believe is so important in a world that can often be harsh and unkind.
I also love how slogan tees can be a way to express yourself and your beliefs. Whether it’s a tee that supports a cause you care about, or one that simply makes you feel good, …
- Analyse three stylistic devices and their effect which are used in the following article : [copy & paste article]
- Define the narrative perspective in the following excerpt. Describe the effect on the reader. This is the excerpt: [copy & paste excerpt
Beispiel für die mehrstufige Nutzung der KI-generierten Ergebnisse zur didaktischen Aufbereitung
Aus den drei vorgeschlagenen Kreativaufgaben habe ich die ausgewählt, die mir am reizvollsten und passendsten für die Lerngruppe erschien (Aufgabe 2). Im Wechselspiel mit dem KI-Bildgenerator (Ideogram) habe ich die Aufgabenstellung überarbeitet und durch ein passgenaues Bild begleitet. Die ursprüngliche Musterlösung von Chat GPT konnte ich ohne weitere Überarbeitung als Erwartungshorizont / Model solution für die Lernenden nutzen.
Finaler prompt für das Impulsbild zur Kreativaufgabe:

Mehr Hinweise zum Bildgenerator [Ideogram] und dem hier verwendeten mehrstufigen Prompting finden Sie hier→.

Finale Aufgabenstellung: Imagine you are a fashion designer who wants to create a new slogan tee for Gen Z. The message should particularly speak to young people who are socially or environmentally conscious and encourage others to take action !
Sample: Slogan “Save the planet” to fight against climate change
Describe your designer and his / her intentions in about 150 wordsand create a picture showing the slogan tee with an AI-Tool.
Sample: Slogan “Save the planet” to fight against climate change (150 words)
As a fashion designer creating a new slogan T-shirt for Gen Z, I wouldchoose the message „save the planet“ with an image of a globesurrounded by a heart. The design would be simple and minimalist, withthe focus on the message. I believe this message would resonate withGen Z because they are a generation that is very concerned aboutclimate change and environmental issues. They are also very sociallyconscious and want to make a positive impact on the world. By wearingthis T-shirt, they can show their support for the environment and inspireothers to take action as well. The heart symbolizes their love and compassion for the planet, and the globe represents the global nature ofthe issue. I believe this T-shirt would be popular among Gen Z because itis a way for them to express their values and make a statement aboutwhat they believe in.
- Den Einsatz von KI-Tools in Workflows bei der Unterrichtsvorbereitung braucht etwas Übung.
- Eine einfache, lineare Nutzung (prompt –> KI-generierter Output) ist nur bedingt interessant.
- Der Einsatz von KI-Tools ist nur besonders ergiebig, wenn KI-Tools mehrstufig genutzt werden und Prompts durch die von KI-Tools generierten Impulse überarbeitet werden.

Beitrag erstellt:
Verena Plomer