Millionen Menschen auf der Welt können sich häufiger kein gesundes Essen leisten – Gleichzeit werden tonnenweise Lebensmittel weggeschmissen. Thematisieren Sie dieses Brennpunktthema mit Ihren Lernenden und sensibilisieren Sie Ihre Klasse für einen grüneren Fingerabdruck bei der Nahrungsmittelwahl oder bei der Verwertung von Lebensmitteln!
Warm-up: animation on food waste
Zeigen Sie den Lernenden im Einstieg folgenden Animationsclip des Essex County Council bis 00:02:31 mit der Aufgabe die Botschaft des Videos zu formulieren, indem die Satzanfänge Buy… / Reduce…./ Save… komplettiert werden (vgl. Task untenan). Anschließend werden die Ergebnisse der Lernenden mit den Originalstatements des Clips verglichen (Ende des Clips ab 00:02:32).

Task: Watch this video which follows an apple who wants to beeaten. What‘s the video‘s message? Complete the followingsentence beginnings…
Follow-up: developing a sequel
- In groups of three: Write a storyboard for a more positive, optimistic sequel dealing with food waste.
- End your animation with catchy statements that provoke a changein behaviour.
- Think of a catchy name.
Die Lernenden stellen Ihre Konzeptideen für einen Forsetzungsclip vor. Optional kann über das überzeugendste Konzept in der Klassengemeinschaft abgestimmt werden. Anschließend wird die Original-Fortsetzung „Apple-y ever after“ erhört und ersehen und die Wirkung des Clips kritisch diskutiert.

Is food waste just an Issue in the UK?
- In the EU, over 59 million tonnes of food waste (132 kg/inhabitant) are generated annually (Eurostat, 2024), with an associated market value estimated at 132 billioneuros (SWD (2023)421).
- At the same time, over 42 million people cannot afford a quality meal every second day (Eurostat, 2023).
- Globally, approximately a third of all food produced forhuman consumption is lost or wasted (FAO, 2011).
source: European Commission:
Erarbeitung: Auszug aus "Waste not, want not"
Die Lernenden erhören anschließend einen Auszug aus der Lektüre „Waste not, want not “ (S. 13-14). Zunächst werden die beiden Protagonisten anhand der Illustration auf S. 12 eingeführt:
Kelly (on the right) believes in saving the planet. She regularly takes part in Fridays for Future demonstrations, and seh can‘t understand anyone who doesn‘tjoin.
Michel, a French boy in class, argues that you can‘t save the planet by standingaround doing nothing. He is in favour of taking immediate and creative action tosupport the environment.
Now let’s listen to chapter 2 of the story and find out what Kelly’s and Michel’s quarrel in the picture is all about.

Diskussionsimpulse im Anschluss an den erhörten Lektüreauszug
- Are Fridays for Future demonstrations and such good fornothing?
- „Michel and Kelly have different things for lunch. Whose lunch is better for the planet? Why? Is your lunch more like Kelly‘s or more like Michel‘s?“ (Aufgabenstellung aus : Taylor, Jeremy. Waste not, want not. Stuttgart : Ernst Klett Sprachen, 2023. S.15)
Plant-Based Foods Have a Lower Carbon Footprint: Wholemeal bread, hummus, and alfalfa shoots are plant-based foods, which typically have a much smaller carbon footprint compared to animal products. The production of plant-based foods uses fewer resources, such as water and land, and generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
Chicken Has a Higher Environmental Impact: While chicken has a lower carbon footprint compared to beef or lamb, it still requires significant resources for production, including feed, water, and energy. Chicken farming also contributes to deforestation and methane emissions.
Legumes are Environmentally Friendly: Hummus is made from chickpeas, a type of legume that enriches the soil through nitrogen fixation and requires relatively little water and energy to grow.
Minimal Processing and Local Impact: Alfalfa shoots are a highly sustainable crop that grows quickly and requires few inputs, making them an eco-friendly addition to a meal.
In contrast, Person B’s mashed potatoes are climate-friendly, but the inclusion of chicken significantly increases the overall environmental impact of the meal. Therefore, Person A’s plant-based meal is the more sustainable choice.
Beitrag erstellt von:
Verena Plomer